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How to be creative during the quarantine

The world seems bleak at this point. It can be a very challenging time- not just in terms of the uncertainty, but also for the general dreariness that accompanies a lack of mental and physical activity. However, let us focus on the positive aspects of this quarantine- of the gift of time that we have been given. To explore new ideas and opportunities that had fallen by the wayside simply because there wasn’t enough time to get to it. So read on to find out a few tips to enhance your creativity during this period of physical distancing!

Try a new recipe

As we are all stuck at home, this is the perfect time to attempt some new recipes that you have always wanted to try! Or you can experiment with some recipes that you make up. Be sure to save the ones you like, to use for when the quarantine is over.

Chicken biryani Gobhi ke parathe

Find some new music

Take advantage of this period of quarantine to expand your music collection. Search online by your favourite genre, or ask your friends for some suggestions! Music is a great way to calm your nerves, and good music is a treat.

Take up art journaling

People often think that to get into journaling/art journaling, one needs to know how to draw perfectly. It is far from the truth. Journaling of any kind is a way to get your thoughts or ideas on the paper. It doesn’t have to be an expensive affair if you don’t want it to be. You decide how to set it up, what you put in it, and who you show it to. So get started!

Make a mood board

A mood board is a visual representation of images, snippets of text, or samples from objects of whatever makes you happy or inspires you. This might not be the most ‘happy’ time we can think of, but it is a great way to visualize the things that give us hope! Again, you don’t need fancy items to do this - simply a piece of paper, a glue stick, scissors, old magazines to cut from, fancy packaging of a product you got, and your own handwritten or painted ideas would suffice! If it works to inspire you, you can keep the practice going even after the quarantine!

Use candles and diffusers to create an atmosphere

Sometimes it can get overwhelming to think about the events around us, and about their effects on our lives. The physical environment around us has a huge impact on the way we perceive things, and on our mental health. So be sure to keep the room or areas of the house you usually spend your time in clean and fresh, and use candles or a diffuser to set the creative mood!

Try a coloring book

Coloring books are a fun and creative way to shoo away boredom. It is an extremely calming and therapeutic process to see the colors come to life! If you don’t have coloring books at hand, try looking online for some templates, and use them to practice your skills.

Use your stationery to make lists

If you have a blank notebook lying around that you haven’t got to using, or some stationery that’s gathering dust, use it to make lists! They can be useful lists - like grocery, or things to do around the house, or they can also be creative lists. Some topics are listed below to spark your creativity!

  • Places you want to visit

  • Books you want to read

  • Superpowers you wish you had

  • An ultimate bucket list

  • Things that bring you joy

Learn a new word each day

This is the perfect time to improve your vocabulary and learn a new word each day! Sign up for a daily newsletter from an online dictionary, or look up words yourself. By doing this, you will have an arsenal of new words by the time the quarantine is over.

Sing a song while washing your hands!

Don’t forget to wash your hands and keep them away from your face! To make it more fun, have a singing spree every time you wash your hands, and transform your house into American Idol.

Here’s wishing all of you safety and happiness.

Love and light!

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2 comentarios

02 abr 2020

Aww thank you so much! Take care and make something good to eat for the fam! :D

Me gusta

02 abr 2020

Those pictures of the biryani and paranthas inspired me to do a little foraging in the kitchen and fridge! As always, your artwork is lovely, and I loved your post. Stay safe ❤️

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